Excited to explore this journey with you! Please let us know if there's anything else we can do to support you.
You are considered as a student from the moment you get your first feedback from our Mentor for your first bootcamp assignment. Now you have full access to all the events, lessons, extra materials in the Platform and Discord community. Feel free to use them and ask any questions about them.
You are a Primeclass Student now!
From this moment we consider you as a full-fledged Primeclass student. Welcome to your new status and let us inform you about your new advantages and responsibilities.
We handle two Feedback sessions every week twice a day. So after submitting your assignment you need to pick the shift to attend and inform your Advisor about that in the Discord. If you can submit your assignment, but you cannot attend a LIVE Feedback session, you will receive a record of that meeting where you will find the Mentor's feedback for your assignment. You can attend every session if you want to, of course, but you must submit a project at least for one of them.
In Primeclass bootcamp we have a fixed schedule for our LIVE events. For our students it is mandatory to attend all of them — only this way we can guarantee stunning results and great success in photography for you. So from this moment you are obligated to go with the schedule.
If you skip submitting your assignments even for one week, you will receive an infraction from our team.
The infractions don't burn out, they accumulate. Therefore, each week you miss without doing your homework will remain in your account till the end of the bootcamp. If you exceed the number of allowable infractions, we will withdraw you from the program, regardless of your previous performance.
After the 3rd infraction you will be withdrawn from the bootcamp. We are highly interested in working with motivated students only who want to level up in their photography skills and achieve high results. If you cannot be on time with training assignments only, it means that you don't really want to be a highly-paid photographer and we need to give that opportunity to others.
As a Primeclass Student you are fully provided with all our service and support. If you will be withdrawn from the bootcamp, you must pay $250 for every week of your learning period, and your commitment fee is also not refundable – it is already paid for your first bootcamp week.
You can always ask for details or discuss this process with your Advisor, but just keep in mind that you are responsible for your success. Also you can find the extra information in Terms And Conditions.
As we mentioned before, you have a fixed schedule of LIVE events you need to attend. You can download the PDF schedule. Also you can find it in Discord.
Let's move to the next topic — your learning routine!
From this moment we will communicate with you via Discord. You will get emails only in case of important events as infractions and special offers. Please, turn on notifications and pay attention to the channels.
Your next step is to submit the assignment for the Feedback session. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.
What you need to know about a student status:
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